The Best Way To Optimize Your EMR

Aug 16, 2022

Providers today are better informed and are prepared to take on more challenges due to the information and flexibility that EMRs provide, yet this technological tool is not without its downfalls. EMRs are notoriously hard to navigate, especially when performing manual reviews. Being a strong source of information is detrimental when people have to manually review all of the information with limited search functionality. Scrolling through page after page of data is time-consuming, and reviewing medical records is considered a high-cost skill set. EMR systems can cost up to $70,000 per provider, and in addition, finding someone with the skills to utilize them can be extremely costly, especially when most DRG audits require coding and clinical experience.

Partnering with TREND Health Partners through the adoption of CAVO is a strong option for organizations that want to increase their review productivity and efficiency without investing in EMR review staff.

cavo and its Benefits Over Manual EMR Access

The CAVO technology platform was built by clinical, coding, and healthcare operational subject matter experts for your billing and coding team. CAVO is a comprehensive solution to support your team and decrease denials. Its features support a denial prevention framework while providing your team tools to assemble appeals and combat denials should they arise.


Major EMR systems create APIs to allow medical systems to pull in and extract clinical data. CAVO allows this information to be viewed all together in one interface. CAVO customers see their revenue faster by reducing the cost of appeal submission, eliminating unnecessary follow-up time, and decreasing denial review time.

Pre-defined Searches

CAVO offers pre-defined searches to help you find what you’re looking for faster. The pre-defined searches are customized to your specific needs by taking long text strings and saving them under shorter identifiers for ease of use. Amplified by TREND’s AI technology, pre-defined searches are an efficient way to find what you’re looking for faster than in traditional EMR formats.

Payer Policies

Payer policies and medical records are both accessible within the CAVO platform to save time switching between multiple programs. Having payer policies readily available allows verification of documentation. Each policy can be searched, highlighted, and notated to use in your documentation or as evidence in an appeal letter later on. In most standard EMR applications, payer policies cannot be imported into the EMR, and staff is constantly switching between screens.

Letter Templates & Snippets

CAVO allows unlimited saved letter templates for writing appeals. Since it’s connected to the EMR, saved templates will automatically populate with demographic information, reducing the risk of human error, such as entering incorrect information. The snippets feature is included to reduce that risk further. Snippets are pre-saved blocks of text, generally created around specific policies, to frame a conversation inside of an appeal letter. This feature makes CAVO unique as traditional EMRs don’t typically come with letter templates or snippets but can sometimes be added to the EMR at an additional charge.


CAVO has a robust appeal history. Users can review a detailed appeal history and follow specific correspondence and a full history of what was included in the appeal package. All of the case information is securely held for future use; easily accessing successful past appeals is beneficial for building similar appeals in the future and staff training.

Open API for Reporting

CAVO augments current technology already in place within your organization. CAVO’s open API allows for integration with reporting software such as Tableau and PowerBI for increased reporting and visualization efficiency, helping to deliver deep insights into your appeals, and eventually resulting in time and cost savings for your organization.

Productivity Increase

Simply put, CAVO saves organizations money by increasing their productivity. With all of these features,  your staff will be able to increase the number of reviews performed as well as decrease the time per review – putting money in your pocket.

Partnering with TREND

TREND Health Partners has a dedicated team of industry veteran nurses, coders, and claims analysts with 20+ years of experience who represent over 15 healthcare designations with experience in several specialized fields. Our clients receive our data-driven strategies. Fueled by our clinical expertise, we leverage our 837i/835i and appeal/denial business intelligence reporting to strengthen your internal processes. We provide rapid results, so your team can realize revenue quickly.

To discover how TREND Health Partners can increase financial recoveries and operational insights for your hospitals or health system, please connect via the button below.