Healthcare Interoperability Benefit #3: Improved and Consistent Patient Healthcare

In final rules issued on March 9, 2020, the CMS Mandate for healthcare interoperability requires a patient to have instant access to their medical information via a third-party application. Effective July 1, 2021, convenient patient access to personal medical records...

Healthcare Interoperability Benefit 2: Reduced Admin Burden & Overall Healthcare Costs

Here at TREND, our expertise as a solution provider in the healthcare ecosystem is to convert clinical information to FHIR® standard and provide an open API that allows its exchange between payers and providers, effectuating efficiency and reduced administrative costs...

Healthcare Interoperability Benefit 1: Streamlined Data Exchange Between Health Plans, Healthcare Providers, and Patients

According to a study conducted by Johns Hopkins, 44% of medical error deaths were preventable. As the CMS Mandate for healthcare interoperability approaches, the requirements come not a moment too soon for an industry lacking effective data exchange capabilities....