Revenue Cycle Analytics

Analytics & Reporting

Optics combines your revenue cycle data with our clinical and technological expertise to deliver real-time analytics and insights that help you make data-driven decisions for your organization.

Revenue Cycle Analytics

Built to help you make confident, data-driven decisions for your organization, Optics brings together all of your claims and denials data into a single data repository. Instead of relying on disparate, disjointed data sources and the manual creation of reports to even begin the process of analyzing claims and denial data, Optics requires minimal internal resources to deliver all of your data in one easy-to-use, easy-to-customize, and easy-to-understand visual platform.

What makes OPTICS Different?

At TREND, we use our experience in hospitals and health systems to work with hospitals and health systems across the nation. Our technology is clinician-led, and clinical expertise is incorporated into every line of code written to bring healthcare-focused organization and efficiency to your workflow. Far from an “out-of-the-box” solution, Optics delivers a customized revenue integrity analytics and reporting solution for your hospital or health system. Our experts learn your business and your needs to provide you with the most effective solutions and create a claims management approach customized to fit your specific needs.

Client Benefits


Actionable Insights

Make financial and operational decisions quickly from actionable insights to build data-driven best practices for your hospital or health system.

Reduce IT Team Dependency

Optics reduces IT team dependency since it requires minimal internal resources to deliver all of your real-time data in one centralized platform.

Identify Root Cause Trends

Lean on our solutions team to identify root cause trends for your organization’s denials and deliver actionable recommendations for your hospital or health system.

Key Features of OPTICS

Real-time Data

Optics combines real-time 835i/837i and appeal/denial data from all of your data streams to create customizable and insightful reports.

Built by Clinicians

Built by clinicians to access and analyze clinical claim data, an integral component of Optics is the Advent team’s expertise in tailoring your dashboards to deliver the correct decision data.


Far from a static implementation, Optics evolves and scales as you need it to, with new data feeds integrated and deeper data visualizations easily built to meet your growing business needs

Dynamic Technology

With a large, experienced group of developers behind it, Optics is built on dynamic technology to remain at the forefront of healthcare analytics.